01902 482420

Bleed Control Kit

The Prometheus Bleed Control Kit was developed with the input of the West Midlands Ambulance Service and Birmingham Community Safety Partnership to provide a comprehensive bleed control solution.

With response times and speed of treatment being paramount to increasing the chances of saving a life due to catastrophic blood loss, the new Bleed Control Kit is designed to help control and stop severe bleeding.
Having extensive knowledge of first-response trauma equipment, we have teamed up with The Daniel Baird Foundation to raise awareness of knife and violent crime, and to highlight the importance of having publicly accessible bleed control packs available.

The Daniel Baird Foundation has been established in memory of Daniel Baird. Daniel was just 26 years of age when he was fatally stabbed in Birmingham in July 2017, following a night out with friends, in an area where no bleed control kit or trauma pack was at hand to use. The family of Daniel Baird believe that, had there been a publicly accessible bleed control pack available, Daniel’s life may not have been cut so short.

Containing the very best proven equipment, essential for medical or trauma management, the Bleed Control Kit provides the lay person, bystander or trained medic with the means to immediately control life-threatening external haemorrhaging.

The pack is lightweight, allowing it to be attached to personnel, hung up, or kept within vehicles, with high visibility red colouring, allowing for rapid identification. It includes basic instructions for the lay person to have a straightforward understanding of the equipment included, and where/how to apply.

In addition t

working with The Daniel Baird Foundation, we have been joined by the West Midlands Ambulance Service, and Birmingham Community Safety Partnership to develop what we believe to be one of the most effective and comprehensive forms of bleed control solution.


Large Trauma Dressing – Designed to control moderate bleeding
ChitoGauze® XR Pro – A haemostatic gauze dressing that is very effective, designed to control moderate to very severe haemorrhage
Fox Seal Chest Seal – An innovative dressing for emergency management of penetrating chest wounds
Tourniquet – Easy to use tourniquet for stopping the flow of blood to the arms or legs
2 pairs of disposable Gloves – Personal protection
Scissors – Emergency sheers for quickly and effectively removing clothes
Emergency Foil Blanket – keeps patient warm and protected from the elements
CPR Face Mask – If CPR is required the face shield protects the user
Marker Pen – Used to note the time a tourniquet is applied – this is important when a hospital come to remove it later


Effective products
Organised, easily accessible bag
Hi-Visibility red fabric for rapid identification – clearly marked as an EMERGENCY BLEED CONTROL KIT
Grab handle and belt loop


QA Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid (RQF)

The QA Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid (RQF) has been specifically designed to meet the criteria set by the Department for Education’s Successful candidates will learn the roles and responsibilities of the paediatric first aider, and will be equipped with the necessary skills to administer safe and effective treatment when dealing with a range of paediatric first aid situations. The dates listed below are the course start dates. All courses continue on the following day also.

Ipad NFK200 Defibrillator

This is a new model of the iPAD series public access AED. The NFK200 is a simple to use, intuitive defibrillator allowing for quick and convenient pads access.