Key Features
Easily switch from Adult to Child mode with simple button selection located on the top left and side of the defibrillator. When the iPAD NFK200 semi-automatic defibrillator is switched on it’s default setting is adult mode.
The same set of electrode pads for both adults and children. No additional pads required, saving precious time and expense.
Integrated pad storage – electrode pads are stored, pre-connected, in a clear compartment on the front of the unit
Pads are easily removed by pulling on the exposed tab
The pads are always ready for use with the expiry date visible and easily checked
The iPAD NFK200 gives rescuers extra assistance during CPR with built in metronome and prompts
Visual LED Status Indicator shows at a glance consumable and unit status
Internal memory stores the last 5 events/3 hours of data.
Data may be copied from the internal memory to USB
‘i’ button performs the following functions:
Allows user to select if CPR metronome is heard during CPR
Checks for faults and errors
Provides ‘handover’ information to Ambulance crew (usage time and shocks delivered)
Allows the NFK200 to be programmed with CPR protocols such as compression rate, number of compressions, breaths and cycles etc, ensuring that the NFK200 is always up to date
Downloads data for review
Checks the units software version