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IPAD SP1 Replacement Pads

Known as SMART electrode pads, these can be used on both adults and children; with a flick of the mode switch, the shock delivered will change to be suitable for the victim.

This qualification forms part of the QA First Aid suite of qualifications.

The qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of:

  • Resuscitation Council (UK).
  • Assessment Principles for Regulated First Aid Qualifications.

This QA qualification is:

  • For people who deal with first aid at work enabling them to be workplace first aiders under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
  • Based on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) training standard for delivery of First Aid at Work (FAW) courses for the purposes of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

This qualification should enable Learners to attain the knowledge and practical competencies needed to deal with a range of emergency first aid situations.

Learners should be able to demonstrate the practical administration of safe, prompt, effective first aid in emergency situations with an understanding of the role of first aider.

This qualification specification provides information for Centres about the delivery of the QA Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF) and includes the unit information, assessment methods and quality assurance arrangements.



The objective of the qualification is to benefit Learners by enabling them to attain the knowledge and practical competencies needed to deal wit

a range of emergency first aid situations and/or take on the role of emergency first aider in the workplace.



The purpose of this qualification is to prepare the Learner to develop the skills and knowledge needed to administer emergency first aid.


Intended audience.

This qualification is for people who have a specific responsibility at work, or in voluntary and community activities, to provide basic first aid to people in a range of emergency first aid situations.



This qualification contains 1 mandatory unit with a Total Qualification Time (TQT) of 7 hours. Full details of this unit are in Appendix 1.

Learners must complete all assessments successfully within the registration period to achieve the qualification. The maximum period to achieve this qualification including any referrals is 3 weeks.

TQT is the total number of hours required for a Learner to achieve this qualification. It has 2 elements:

Guided Learning Hours (GLH) is the time a Learner is being taught and assessed under the immediate guidance of a Trainer/Assessor, which for this qualification is 6 GLH, and the number of hours a Learner will reasonably be likely to spend in preparation and study as directed by but not under the immediate guidance or supervision of a Trainer, e.g. pre-course reading, which for this qualification is 1 hour.


Other Units

No other units can be combined to count towards the QA Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF) qualification.


Relationship with other related qualifications

The QA Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF):

  • Contains 1 unit that also appears as Unit 1 (Emergency Paediatric First Aid) of the QA Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid (RQF)
  • Can be transferred to other qualifications under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) towards achievement of that qualification providing it is achieved within its registration period.

Therefore assessments gained through the Emergency Paediatric First Aid unit may be used as RPL towards achievement of either qualification providing that qualification is achieved within its registration period.


Entry requirements

Learners must be at least 14 years old to register for this qualification. There are no other formal entry requirements but to benefit from the learning we advise that learners have a minimum of Level 1 in literacy or numeracy or equivalent.



The QA Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF) may be used towards other qualifications at the same and higher level, plus aid career progression in a relevant profession.


Requalification requirements

This qualification is valid for a period of 3 years. The Learner needs to retake the qualification before the certificate expiry date to remain qualified.

Did you know that all school first aiders must complete re-qualification training every 3 years in order to continue carrying out their role?

The QA Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid (RQF) Re-qualifying Course is specifically designed to allow first aiders to renew their paediatric first aid qualification when their certificate is due to expire.

During this 2 day course, candidates will have the opportunity to practise essential first aid procedures, as well as learn the latest techniques for dealing with emergency situations and managing injuries and illnesses in school.

What’s more, as a regulated qualification, institutions can book this course for their employees and rest assured that they have fulfilled their legal responsibilities for providing quality first aid training, without having to undertake any lengthy due diligence checks.

*All re-qualifying first aiders must have previously completed a Paediatric First Aid course.

The following topics will covered:

  • The role and responsibilities of a first aider
  • Assessing an incident
  • Managing an unresponsive casualty
  • CPR and defibrillation
  • Recovery Position
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Choking
  • Epilepsy
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Anaphylaxis Shock
  • Head and spinal injuries
  • Chest injuries
  • Wounds and bleeding
  • Fractures
  • Sprains, strains and dislocations
  • Minor injuries
  • Burns and scalds
  • Poisoning
  • Eye injuries
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QA Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid (RQF)

The QA Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid (RQF) has been specifically designed to meet the criteria set by the Department for Education’s Successful candidates will learn the roles and responsibilities of the paediatric first aider, and will be equipped with the necessary skills to administer safe and effective treatment when dealing with a range of paediatric first aid situations. The dates listed below are the course start dates. All courses continue on the following day also.